Weeknotes: The first remote week (S04E04)

Web of Weeknotes
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2020


A photo of a forest by Lukasz Szmigiel.

Take a deep breath.

Drop your shoulders and roll them back.

Unclench and relax your jaw.

Wiggle your toes.

How’s your week been?

I’m writing these Weeknotes on a Sunday. I’ve rung my Mum and I’m happy her flowers arrived on time — its the first Mother’s Day we’ve been apart. I haven’t seen my parents for over a month now, and there’s a gnawing, homesick feeling when I think about it.

Today I’ve been doing lots of reading and journalling; chores around the house (I may make it to laundry basket zero at this rate); supported my local cafe who have just come onto Deliveroo; planted my two Marks & Spencer ‘Little Garden’ pots; and sipped coffee by the window. I really wish we had a garden or a little terrace. But I’m really incredibly grateful for all that we do have.

Things I’ve been grateful for this week

Working for an incredibly supportive employer; excellent leadership from Tom and Helen, my wonderful UCPD team and Central Digital Leadership team.

The leadership and support of Beau’s employer.

Celebrating another rotation around the sunshine and setting my yearly wishes and intentions – thank you everyone for your kind birthday wishes. They really meant so much to me.

My birthday kudoboard — with many thanks to Tracy for setting up and asking folks to contribute ❤

The first fully remote OneTeamGov breakfast club — didn’t realise how much I needed it. Thank you James Arthur Cattell for organising, and thank you everyone else for your energy and enthusiasm.

The first fully remote MOJ Digital Show the Thing. What a way to feel completely connected to your colleagues — loved every moment of it.

The first fully remote MOJ Digital Show the Thing: [left] Rob Stirling giving us a BOOMING welcome & [right] Charlotte & Tracy from our UCPD team talking about their work on our Child Arrangements Service.

Finally meeting Imran and Nic to discuss all things GovCampNorth ❤️

End of week drinks with some of the ODI alumni. Wasn’t sure how this would work but it worked a dream.

Things that I’ve learnt this week

It’s impossible to organise things whilst everything is up in the air — we have have to see where we are and adapt to what’s in front of us.

It doesn’t make you less of a resilient person or rubbish at your job if you cry. These aren’t the usual ‘working from home’ circumstances — this is something much bigger than we’ve all faced before.

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable — especially if you lead a team. Yes, you’ll want to ‘protect’ your people and project that everything is going to be okay and that you are okay, but we are all human. We will all have our ups and downs.

You’ll have moments of feeling guilty when being sad/anxious.

You are just one person and you can’t do it all.

Treasure yourself. Protect your energy. Believe in your magic. — Zara Khalique

Things I’ve read

I’m also continuing to add to last week’s Weeknotes.

Things I’ve done

Things I’ve listened to

Things I’ve liked

Wishing you all health and happiness; and here for virtual coffee / cocktails.

Until next time ❤



All things data, digital, design, communities, leadership & open culture. With relentless optimism and plenty of magic.