Weeknotes 11

Nour Sidawi
Web of Weeknotes
Published in
7 min readJul 22, 2018


Week commencing 16/07/2018

We did a thing. Some people turned up. It was an overrated affair. I’d give it a miss when it happens next year!

Weeknotes 11 owes itself to a rather large event in this year’s calendar. Therefore, I hereby name this weeknote: Ode to One Team Gov and #OneTeamGovGlobal.

It’s a relatively short reflection this week as I’ve been in hibernation since Tuesday evening. It’ll take me a while to process #OneTeamGovGlobal. I was, and still am, off the charts bone tired, emotional and still trying to form coherent sentences. Since Monday’s earth shattering #OneTeamGovGlobal unconference, I’ve been avidly watching on Twitter as #OneTeamGovGlobal makes its way around the world. It is truly life-changing stuff!

#OneTeamGovGlobal Unconference

Siobhan Sheridan is rocking the coolest jacket ever. Fact. Also, I did not resort to fireworks to blow the roof off.

Think about this, in any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. We, One Team Gov, chose the former. If we waited until we were ready, we’d be waiting for the rest of our lives. We were never going to be 100% ready and it was never going to be just the right time, but that’s the point. It means that every moment is also the right moment. If we wanted it, we just had to do it.

The #OneTeamGovGlobal unconference feels like it has centuries behind it, generations — all of them rearranging themselves so that this precise, remarkable intersection could happen. In the One Team Gov Global Committee’s hearts and bones, no matter how silly it sounds, we felt that everything has been leading to this. All the secret arrows, signs and paths were pointing here. The universe and time itself crafted this long ago, and we are just realising it now. We are just arriving now at the place we were always meant to be. Romantic thought, isn’t it?

#OneTeamGovGlobal is the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. It drew immediate connections so strong. People were drawn to these connections in a way they’d never experienced before. People travelled from around the world to be a part of our day on 16 July 2018. What an honour — an incredibly humbling one. We’ve gone and set the world on fire. Literally.

To think how when we kicked things off in early December, we were almost strangers. It completely blows my mind. We worked late, late nights and long weekends. We connected globally. We cared. We made sure we got here in one piece. We placed Global front and centre, inspiring change for our planet. We extended our reach. We opened new doors when others closed. We were the link that held us together when everything else fell apart. We are the bright spark in each others’ lives. We are heart and soul of One Team Gov. Even when the sun stopped shining, we would get out there, splash in the deepest puddles and make light of any situation thrown our way. Because together, we were stronger, braver and damn right invincible [1]. This ode is for them. #OneTeamGovGlobal would not have been possible without this team, who worked so hard to make the day happen.

To say it all kicked off on the Friday before the event when we packed merchandise bags[2] and got the venue ready would not be looking back far enough. Then, we waited for the world to show up. And show up they did. In their numbers. It was heart-warming, electric and inspiring. We aspired to create an event for every individual. Walking into the main auditorium room to a sea of individuals, forever bonded, was an experience like no other. They were here, with us. Now we’re a part of each other’s journey.[3]

The day itself passed so quickly it was almost a blur. I made it into 15 minutes of one session. That’s it. It was worth the trade off to ensuring the day ran seamlessly. In another time and place, I’d sit through every session I could. But it wasn’t meant to be this time around. On the day, I was the one responsible for our wonderful sponsors in the marketplace and logistics on the day. I was given a radio, I was that important — or like to think, at least! I also spent the day dodging Joanne Rewcastle and her team, who was adamant she wanted me filmed! I managed to evade her for most of the day, but she *literally* caught me in the end and I was sternly told to stay put. As a result, I now keep seeing my face from the video on my Twitter feed…![4]

The day ended for me with the picnic in the park, where I collapsed in a tired heap. I did enjoy some wonderful conversations with the weeknoters crew, who are as wonderful in real life as on screen.

Weeknoters: The most incredible group of invidivuals I have the pleasure of spending time with!

Weeknotes are for reflections. I can tell you this about #OneTeamGovGlobal. I’ve learned a lot so far…I’ve learned that things didn’t always turn out the way we planned, or the way we thought they should. And I’ve learned that there are things that go wrong that don’t always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I’ve learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones, as long as you have people around you like the One Team Gov Global Committee. I think of the mountains and valleys that got us here. They were not accidents. Those moments were not in vain. I have grown, we have grown…and are growing. Magic happened when we did not give up.

Leadership is about the people we are. And we are incredible. We made this world a little bit more wonderful that day. We have to much potential and so many things left to do. We have time. Better things are coming our way. We can do it. We are living the realisation that we are our own healers, heroes and leaders.

#OneTeamGovGlobal Project

If we gave you a scare, we’re here to stay. Period. It’s just the beginning for us.

When we give at One Team Gov, we choose to do so without ulterior motives. We give because we know what it’s like to be without. We give because we know the value of what we have in our hearts. And we refuse to let the world stop us from sharing that. We made a choice to take a chance or the public sector would never change.

The #OneTeamGovGlobal Committee are the kind of people that are stay through all seasons, storms and roads. They are the light when you’re surrounded by darkness. They accept you for who you are without trying to change anything at all. And we’re here to stay.

#OneTeamGovGlobal is so much more that just an unconference event. The unconference, that was just the beginning. We have a burning desire, compelling vision and a passion for the reforming the public sector that sits well above all else.

I’m looking forward to everything that comes next. My heart is bursting to full with the #OneTeamGovGlobal Committee around.

Watch this space.[5]

The best the Internet had to offer me this week…

It’s all One Team Gov related this week! So let’s get started:

I’ve listened to the One Team Gov Global playlist on repeat!

Hurrah for playlists — we actually played this at the unconference!

Change starts with us #OneTeamGovGlobal. We’re upping our game One Team Gov. I echo Kit Collingwood’s words that we’re working hard to make this happen. CPI_foundation’s podcast with Kit Collingwood and the organising committee from #OneTeamGovGlobal is a treat to listen to!

Thank you @CPI_foundation for being part of our day!

Having only managed to make it to a small part of one session at #OneTeamGovGlobal (due to running around behind the scenes), this is incredibly useful Lizzi Standing!

More of these please :)

Jenny Vass’s #OneTeamGovGlobal weeknote:

Cate McLaurin’s #OneTeamGovGlobal weeknote:

Debbie Blanchard’s #OneTeamGovGlobal weeknote:

kim mclaren’s #OneTeamGovGlobal weeknote:

Brenna Maher’s #OneTeamGovGlobal blog:

Ian Ames’s #OneTeamGovGlobal weeknote:

Matt Edgar’s #OneTeamGovGlobal reflections:

@jukesie’s #OneTeamGovGlobal reflections:

Dan Barrett’s #OneTeamGovGlobal weeknote:

[1] Case in point, see Batman t-shirt.

[2] We did one every twelve seconds! It was the leanest operation you’ve ever seen by mankind. Props to James Reeve for getting us into shape!

[3] Meeting people in real life — who I’d only met on Twitter — was surreal. It was easy to jump right in, like we hadn’t been separated by miles before that.

[4] I’m not going to insert into this weeknote. You’ll have to find the video if you want to see it ;)

[5] Or watch Twitter since that’s literally exploded since the unconference!



Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov